Thursday, November 24, 2005
This is a really hilarious song called: "I'm My Own Grandpa."
Many, many years ago, when I was twenty-three,
I was married to a widow who was pretty as could be
this widow had a grown-up daughter who had hair of red.
my father fell in love with her, and soon they too were wed.
This made my dad my son-in-law and really changed my life,
now my daughter was my mother, cause she was my father's wife.
to complicate the matter, even though it brought me joy,
I soon became the father of a bouncing baby boy.
My little baby then became a brother-in-law to Dad,
and so became my uncle, though it made me very sad.
for if he was my uncle, then that also made him brother
of the widow's grown-up daughter, who, of course, was my stepmother. (Are we confused YET???) ??
Father's wife then had a son who kept him on the run,
and he became my grandchild, for he was my daughter's son.
my wife is now my mother's mother, and it makes me blue,
because, although she is my wife, she's my grandmother, too.
Now if my wife is my grandmother, then I'm her grandchild,
and every time I think of it, it nearly drives me wild,
cause now I have become the strangest case you ever saw
as husband of my grandmother, I am my own grandpa!
Oh, I'm my own grandpa.
I'm my own grandpa.
it sounds funny I know but it really is so,
Oh, I'm my own grandpa
I'm my own grandpa
I'm my own grandpa...
it sounds funny I know
but it really is so!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I just wanted to tell you that the test results from last week look pretty good so far. However, there are some points that we will need to discuss this week in class when I return your examinations.
Please be sure to be on time to class this week. We will have much work to do as we looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook over your examinations.
God Bless You and Have a Happy (American) Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Your homework, as you know, is to write a one-page paper describing the conference talk that you attended and your feelings regarding it.
Please leave CONSTRUCTIVE (POSITIVE) COMMENTS, as the ENTIRE FREE WORLD is going to read your comments. If you have complaints or criticism, please either contact the author, discuss them in private with the speaker, or forever hold your peace!
The purpose here of this assignment is to inform the world, and the speakers who worked so hard to prepare for it, were appreciated.
Thanks again to Ms. Joanna Chou and NTUST AFL Department Chair, Dr. Lin Mao-sung, for your efforts in making the Conference the success that it was.
Best wishes,
Dr. J
Your homework, as you know, is to write a one-page paper describing the conference talk that you attended and your feelings regarding it.
Please leave CONSTRUCTIVE (POSITIVE) COMMENTS, as the ENTIRE FREE WORLD is going to read your comments. If you have complaints or criticism, please either contact the author, discuss them in private with the speaker, or forever hold your peace!
The purpose here of this assignment is to inform the world, and the speakers who worked so hard to prepare for it, were appreciated.
Thanks again to Ms. Joanna Chou and NTUST AFL Department Chair, Dr. Lin Mao-sung, for your efforts in making the Conference the success that it was.
Best wishes,
Dr. J
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
I hope you all had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Here's a video-message to you to inform you that our classes on Friday will be held at the "2005 Conference in ELT at Technical Colleges and Universities" on OUR CAMPUS in Building IB (201).
You are REQUIRED to attend the Conference during our class meeting times! Also, you must, on November 11th, give me a ONE-PAGE, DOUBLE-SPACED, 12-PT. FONT, 2.5 CENTIMETERS FROM EACH MARGIN (see video!) PAPER about:
1) The title of the talk (speech) you attended
2) Some detail about the topic
3) Your feelings about the talk (speech)
4) What you learned by attending the talk
Please remember that THERE IS NO PERFECT ANSWER; I just want to hear your perfectly honest feelings about the talk (speech) that you attended.
Thanks, and I hope you all had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Friday, October 21, 2005
Advice on Academic Writing: "Specific Types of Writing
The Book Review and Article Critique
Writing an Annotated Bibliography
The Literature Review
The Academic Proposal
The Abstract
The Lab Report
The Short Report
Oral Presentations
The Exam Essay (University of Victoria)
Writing about History
Writing about Physics
Some tips on Writing about Poetry (East Carolina University)
Analysis of Literature: Interpretation through Close Reading (Jeannine DeLombard and Dan White, University of Toronto at Mississauga)
Writing about Art History (Dartmouth College)
Writing an Effective Admissions Letter
Application Letters and Resumes
Style and Editing
new Revising and Editing
Using the Computer to Improve your Writing
Wordiness: Danger Signals and Ways to React
Unbiased Language
Spelling Correctly (University of Ottawa)
Fixing Comma Splices "
您已經知道, 電腦做一臺好打字機, 讓您容易地鍵入文本, 轉移它, 和做小校對的變動。它可能並且做更多為您如果您最大限度利用它的容量。它有一些不利, 雖然-- 例如, 您能看唯一一半您的工作頁一次。這一些實用要訣在最大限度利用電腦和使它的局限減到最小。使用幫助鍵在您的字詞處理節目學會更多關於作用被提及這裡。 組成如果您使用文書處理只為鍵入最終草案, 您可以驚奇多少權力您獲取由做所有您的文字在電腦。嘗試它! 您不必須創造乾淨或第一次充分地被開發的文本。設法草草記下您的想法如同他們來, 沒有查找拼寫或其它細節-- 請做筆記或幾XXXs 或//// 在文本標記地方返回。您能迅速創造一份充分的草稿-- 您能然後回去和加強它。使用文書處理軟體手段您必須從未重複印! 嘗試做激發靈感在屏幕。它令人鼓舞以後移動通過您的結果和開發值得的位元。為真正的作家的塊, 轉動螢幕亮光到零和鍵入任何東西根本在一個變暗的屏幕: 您對多少道理大概將驚奇這些表面上任意序列有。概述是容易在電腦。如果您喜歡首先制定出您的邏輯, 鍵入您最初的想法以概述形式。許多字詞處理節目包括固定outliners (用途幫助或您的指南發現) 。點一張簡單的名單報道幫助被您被開動。然後您能填裝由於您要在各份草稿。電腦並且讓您檢查一份完整草稿的邏輯strucure: 或使用固定outliner 作用或正義拷貝各段開頭句子入序列和看集合看如果它顯示您要的結構。一個簡單的想法: 不雙重空間您的文本直到您準備好列印它。您儘可能需要看許多條線在屏幕得到您的工作流程的感覺。節省時間由使用簡易格式在您的草案初稿。然後得到查尋和替換作用(Alt F2 在WordPerfect 5.1) 插入充分的wordings 。鍵入s-a 起初, 例如; 然後用主權協會替換那套信件。校正文書處理進入它自己以實際工作好文字-- 切口, 安排, 重寫。知道什麼您的電腦罐頭, 無法做支持您。(參觀維多利亞的鏈接大學在校正為關於有效的修正的原則的一次好討論。) 由文本井然神色不要欺騙在屏幕。列印在您的紙之外多次為了看它整體上。請務必您重要地讀它, 比較部分和檢查整體流程和邏輯, 正它最後的讀者將。這种檢查也許使您想要完全地調整您的雜文。幸運地, 電腦牌子那容易與它的切開和漿糊起作用。如果您是不定的片斷應該是的地方, 設法複製而不是行動; 然後您能選擇。您能容易地結合版本也是。窗口和Mac HyperCard 讓您立即看一定數量的文件; 不太先進的節目讓您立即看二(Ctrl-F3 在WordPerfect 5.1) 。然後您能複製從一到另一個。迅速去一個具體段落在您的草稿, 使用任一個文書處理軟體的查尋作用。比捲動鍵入您記住使用的幾個詞並且請求電腦發現他們-- 更快通過。文獻是較少麻煩做很好。腳註或附註採取唯一幾個擊鍵(Ctrl-F7 在WordPerfect 5.1) 。插曲的引證容易檢查和完成。有方式並且創造參考書目或索引因為您去。使用一個拼寫檢查程式作為一種最後的接觸對您編輯。他們捉住不僅拼寫錯誤而且錯別字。如果拼寫檢查下垂詞因為當您是肯定的它錯誤不是(這發生以名字和技術詞), 那麼補充說, 詞對您的"個人字典" 如此電腦認可它下次。記住, 雖然, 電腦不會告訴您您有mistyped 形式為從, 那您誤用了原則為校長。如此不要投擲在您的印刷品字典之外。您將必須查找拼寫驗查員不認出的偶爾的詞; 並且當然您仍然需要它檢查意思和用法。以電腦分類詞詞典您仍然需要查找它建議的意思和用法為詞。盲目不要接受建議。(如果您不想要留下您的電腦, 有一些得心應手的網上字典。參觀我們的鏈接對網上文字參考工具。) 樣式驗查員譬如Grammatik 和CorrectGrammar, 被修造入Microsoft Word 和WordPerfect 的較新版本, 也許幫助您克服壞習性譬如overusing 專科術語或被動語態。不要計數在這些節目, 然而, 不要清理有句子結構或詞選擇的所有您的問題。他們捉住唯一幾种語法錯誤, 並且他們有時錯誤地下垂好句子。如果您使用樣式驗查員, 讀onscreen 評論: 知道為什麼某事比有是錯誤的對您是可貴的它曾經改正了。警告: 不要接受較新版本自動正確特點。他們能做您的文本成胡話。您能做您自己的樣式檢查由最大限度利用簡單的查尋作用。例如, 如果您知道您有使用過度或誤用某一詞或詞組, 讓查尋召集各個事例並且您能然後看它在上下文。這可能甚而運作以類型詞: 設法搜尋ion[space ] 或ment[space ] 注意多少個抽象詞您使用。看對and[space 的各個用途], 但, 或可能出現一些習性句子構造。如果您擊中一個堅韌句子校正, 給自己許多屏幕空間試驗新版本。做堅硬頁回歸和使用屏幕的剩餘戲耍以您的想法。它可能有時幫助做名單或其它視覺結構-- 用途進入和選中儘量您喜歡直到您看您的想法固有形狀。在WordPerfect, RevealCodes 讓您擺脫formating 當您要。 由Margaret Procter, 協調員博士寫, 寫支持, 多倫多大學。版權2005 年。版權所有。 .... got to BABELFISH TRANSLATOR HERE
AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation - Translated Text:
一些一般建議在學術雜文文字可印的PDF 版本公正使用政策 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 混雜觀察在題目不是足夠做一篇成功的學術雜文。雜文應該有論據。它應該回答問題或幾個相關問題(參見2 下面) 。它應該設法證明某事-- 開發一份唯一"論文" 或短的套緊密地相關的點-- 由辯解並且證據, 特別是包括易於例子和證實的引證從所有特殊文本或來源您的論據介入。收集這樣的證據通常需要一些再讀文本或來源以問題或臨時論文在頭腦裡。 當-- 像通常案件-- 一個被分配的題目不提供您以論文現成, 您的第一努力儘可能應該將一樣確切地公式化您將尋求回答在您的雜文的question(s) 。其次, 顯現出由認為, 讀, 和摘記一個臨時論文或假說。不要成為過早地做對這個第一個答復。追求它, 但測試它-- 對點神志清楚地問什麼也許是前述反對它-- 並且準備好校正或合格它如同您的工作進展。(一個暗示可能的標題你有時發現早期的罐頭服務相似。) 有任一個特殊論據也許很好被提出, 但雜文的組織-- 的許多方式用怎麼它開始, 顯現出, 和末端-- 應該被設計清楚地和令人信服地提出您的論據。(您發現您的論據的部份的命令很少是一個有效的指令為提出它對讀者。) 組成雜文成功的方法是各種各樣的, 但好作家一些實踐是幾乎不變的: 他們開始及早書寫, 在他們認為以前他們是"準備" 寫, 因為他們使用不簡單地寫抄錄什麼他們已經發現而是作為探險和發現手段。他們不設法給末端寫一篇雜文從開始, 而是寧可寫什麼似乎最準備好被寫, 既使他們不是肯定的是否或怎麼它將適合。儘管那麼自由地寫, 他們保留雜文的整體目的和組織在頭腦, 修正他們當起草進行。有點像"概述" 經常和神志清楚地演變, 雖然它也許從未採取任一個書面形式在驅散之外, 概略提示對自己。他們廣泛地校正。而不是寫一份唯一草稿和逐個僅僅然後編輯它的句子, 他們出席整體雜文和草稿和重寫-- 重新整理它的更大的零件序列, 增加和刪除部分考慮到什麼他們發現構成其間。這樣的修正經常介入投入雜文在旁邊幾天, 允許頭腦間接地運作或下意識地同時和使成為可能看更加客觀地工作在進步當他們回到它。一旦他們有一份相當完全和組織完善的草稿, 他們校正句子, 特別注意轉折-- 那是檢查是肯定的, 讀者能跟隨想法序列在句子之內, 從句子到句子, 和從段到段。二其它重要考慮在校正句子是措詞(詞的精確性和適合性) 並且經濟(少數詞沒有清楚的表示和充分的想法損失) 。最後, 他們校對了最後的拷貝。
由C 教授寫。A. Silber, 英語, 多倫多大學的部門。版權2005 年。版權所有。
Some General Advice on Academic Essay-Writing
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Miscellaneous observations on a topic are not enough to make an accomplished academic essay. An essay should have an argument. It should answer a question or a few related questions (see 2 below). It should try to prove something--develop a single "thesis" or a short set of closely related points--by reasoning and evidence, especially including apt examples and confirming citations from any particular text or sources your argument involves. Gathering such evidence normally entails some rereading of the text or sources with a question or provisional thesis in mind.
When--as is usually the case--an assigned topic does not provide you with a thesis ready-made, your first effort should be to formulate as exactly as possible the question(s) you will seek to answer in your essay. Next, develop by thinking, reading, and jotting a provisional thesis or hypothesis. Don't become prematurely committed to this first answer. Pursue it, but test it--even to the point of consciously asking yourself what might be said against it--and be ready to revise or qualify it as your work progresses. (Sometimes a suggestive possible title one discovers early can serve in the same way.)
There are many ways in which any particular argument may be well presented, but an essay's organization--how it begins, develops, and ends--should be designed to present your argument clearly and persuasively. (The order in which you discovered the parts of your argument is seldom an effective order for presenting it to a reader.)
Successful methods of composing an essay are various, but some practices of good writers are almost invariable:
They start writing early, even before they think they are "ready" to write, because they use writing not simply to transcribe what they have already discovered but as a means of exploration and discovery.
They don't try to write an essay from beginning to end, but rather write what seems readiest to be written, even if they're not sure whether or how it will fit in.
Despite writing so freely, they keep the essay's overall purpose and organization in mind, amending them as drafting proceeds. Something like an "outline" constantly and consciously evolves, although it may never take any written form beyond scattered, sketchy reminders to oneself.
They revise extensively. Rather than writing a single draft and then merely editing its sentences one by one, they attend to the whole essay and draft and redraft--rearranging the sequence of its larger parts, adding and deleting sections to take account of what they discover in the course of composition. Such revision often involves putting the essay aside for a few days, allowing the mind to work indirectly or subconsciously in the meantime and making it possible to see the work-in-progress more objectively when they return to it.
Once they have a fairly complete and well-organized draft, they revise sentences, with special attention to transitions--that is, checking to be sure that a reader will be able to follow the sequences of ideas within sentences, from sentence to sentence, and from paragraph to paragraph. Two other important considerations in revising sentences are diction (exactness and aptness of words) and economy (the fewest words without loss of clear expression and full thought). Lastly, they proofread the final copy.
Written by Prof. C. A. Silber, Department of English, University of Toronto
Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Hello Students:
Today we began class by discussing your assignments from last week. In case you were unable to give me the assignments today, please, please, please be sure to give them to me as soon as you can so I can grade them with the rest of the other papers.
We also discussed what IDIOMS are, which is "words that individually have a different meaning than they have when put together ... and have a special meaning in a unique context."
E.g.: "to add insult to injury" or "to pour salt into someone's wounds" or "to rub it in."
Of course, we would not REALLY pour salt into someone's wounds ... it's just something we say... as if "to make them feel worse."
Your homework for next week is to visit this website and to choose one section and translate it into CHINESE. ONE SECTION I MEAN at least two pages. We are doing this because we are planning to create our own OWL. Please, next week, give me the ENGLISH VERSION of what you translated and the CHINESE VERSION. You should post this part of your homework onto this BLOG ENTRY HERE!
SUGGESTION: GO TO ALTA VISTA and see BABELFISH TRANSLATOR (and then correct it into "real Chinese." You can save much time and energy this way! [Please be sure to tell us EXACTLY WHERE YOU GOT THE SOURCE FROM BY GIVING US THE URL. This is for LEGAL PURPOSES! And please be sure to give us the URL!]
Regarding the textbook, just take some time to read over the rest of the chapter but don't worry about any specific homework. This week's homework should be relatively easy!
This is a reminder of your homework for next week....
A 2-3 paged paper, double-spaced on either a Chinese cultural tale or your favorite place on campus. If you choose to write about a Chinese cultural tale, you can write it in "play format" and we can correct it and act it out with the class.
Thanks, Dr. J.

WOW! Here is a real photo of a plane landing on the Island of St. Marten! The island is so small the run-way is just off of the beach. YIKES!
